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In MGSU a meeting was held with a delegation from the University of Maribor (Slovenia)

In MGSU a meeting was held with a delegation from the University of Maribor (Slovenia)

In  MGSU a meeting was  held with a delegation from the University of Maribor (Slovenia)

November 2, 2016 was held a meeting with the Rector of MGSU Volkov A.A. and the Rector of the University of Maribor (Slovenia) Prof., Dr. Igor Ticar and Secretary-General Mladen Kraljic. The meeting was also attended by Vice-Rector Gogina E.S. and Head of the International Cooperation Coordination Samotesova N.V.

During the meeting were discussing an overarching issues concerning the exchange of students and faculty members in various programs and areas that will bring the MGSU and University of Maribor on a brand new level. The development of joint cooperation - it is a great opportunity, which we have to use for further advance. The University of Maribor is the second largest and the oldest university in Slovenia. MGSU and the University Maribor students annually participate in a student exchange. The meeting opens great prospects for development in various fields.

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