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Cooperation between NRU MGSU and Heilongjiang University of Science and Technology (the People’s Republic of China)

Cooperation between NRU MGSU and Heilongjiang University of Science and Technology (the People’s Republic of China)

Cooperation between NRU MGSU and Heilongjiang University of Science and Technology (the People’s Republic of China)

On December 1, 2017, the cooperation agreement was signed between NRU MGSU (Russia) and Heilongjiang University of Science and Technology (the People’s Republic of China).

On behalf of the Heilongjiang University of Science and Technology, the meeting was attended by Zhao Zhenmin, Head of the Research Department, Zhao Cai, Director of the Institute of Mechanics, and Lyu Lan, Deputy Head of Department for International Education. The delegation was chaired by Junfeng Wu, President of the Heilongjiang University of Science and Technology.

On behalf of NRU MGSU, the meeting was attended by A.A. Volkov, Rector, N.V. Samotesova, Head of Department for Coordination of International Cooperation, K.YU. Okhotnikova, Head of Department of Development and Organization of International Cooperation.

Junfeng Wu, President of the Heilongjiang University of Science and Technology, spoke about the Heilongjiang University of Science and Technology; he made a point that the meeting was the first step on the way towards the proactive and prolific cooperation between the universities, and that the future collaboration would consist in the enrollment of master students and postgraduates of the Heilongjiang University of Science and Technology at NRU MGSU, joint research projects to be implemented through the involvement of Russian and Chinese funds, the delegating of NRU MGSU specialists to China to deliver lectures, the drafting of joint publications, etc. In his turn, A.A. Volkov expressed his willingness to develop this cooperation on the basis of the pre-developed roadmap and to draft the pattern of cooperation at the level of professors and lecturers.

The guests explored the research and technical facilities of NRU MGSU: they visited the research and educational laboratory for aero-dynamic and aero-acoustic testing of building structures, the research and educational centre for water supply and water discharge, the research and educational centre for the geodetic technology, and the laboratory for engineering research and monitoring of structures.   

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